5 Human Foods to Never Feed a Cat
Pet parents often indulge their cats with treats out of love, but feeding a cat anything they purr at can be harmful. Certain vegetables, fruits, and nuts can trigger a severe allergic reaction in cats. Their favorite treats may also contain such ingredients, which is why it is important to check labels. We made a list of foods that are most toxic to cats. Keep your feline friends away from these at all times.
1. Canned tuna
This may come off as a surprise, given that most cat breeds are drawn to fish. But canned tuna is bad for your pet. Its mercury content makes it one of the most toxic foods for cats. It also has a high amount of unsaturated fat, which may lead to a deficiency of vitamin E. If your cat is addicted to these fishy chunks or is on a steady diet that consists of tuna in large quantities, then you should speak to a vet about alternatives to meet its nutritional needs.
2. Green tomatoes
It is unlikely for a cat to eat a raw tomato due to its unappetizing texture and flavor. But you should ensure that all half-ripe tomatoes are kept out of reach of your case, just in case. Solanine, which is found in unripe tomatoes, is highly poisonous to cats. When eaten, it can cause serious stomach problems in them.
3. Avocados
While avocados have amazing health benefits for humans, the same is not true for cats. Avocados contain persin, which can trigger many health problems in cats (the pit is especially hazardous.) Consumption in large quantities can induce nausea and diarrhea.
4. Macadamia nuts
Macadamia nuts have a high fat content. So if fed regularly, they can negatively impact your cat’s pancreas. The salted variety, particularly, which comes with additives, can trigger tremors, fatigue, and gastrointestinal issues in cats.
5. Baked items with xylitol
There is no shortage of baked treats on the market, and cats usually love these tasty bites. But a certain sweetener present in baked goods, known as xylitol, can be toxic to cats. When ingested, it can cause a drop in your cat’s blood sugar and result in sickness. Your cat may feel weak and, in some cases, experience lack of coordination too. Hence, when buying baked treats, always check the list of ingredients for each item.
If your cat ends up ingesting one of the above-mentioned foods by accident or you suspect that it’s ill because of something it consumed, then you must speak to a vet immediately. They will direct you on what you can do to help your cat get better.