Healthy Eating
Foods to Eat and Avoid for Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a chronic condition where a person experiences hallucinations and delusions. Some people dealing with schizophrenia may be more susceptible to other physical ailments such as diabetes and heart diseases. A healthy diet may be beneficial to avoid these conditions. Additionally, certain foods may also improve or worsen schizophrenia symptoms. Here’s a list of foods a schizophrenia patient must eat and avoid. Eating a balanced diet consisting of fibers, starch, fats, and fresh produce is beneficial for people with schizophrenia. Foods to include in one’s diet are as follows. 1. Fruits: Fruits are storehouses of vitamins, nutrients, and fibers. They prevent bad cholesterol and improve overall health significantly. It also lowers one’s chances of developing certain diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Fruits can be incorporated in many ways and are also a great and healthy option for snacks. 2. Essential fats: Fats such as omega-3 fatty acids reduce schizophrenia symptoms as well as slow down its advancement. As omega-3 fatty acids can not be produced in the body, one must acquire them via food or supplements. Foods rich in essential fats are fatty fish such as salmon and sardines, avocados, olive oil, and flax seeds. 3. Vegetables:
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