Different Types of Anemia

Different Types of Anemia

Anemia is a disease characterized by an inadequate number of healthy blood cells, which eventually leads to low hemoglobin. This further reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the organs, causing symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, and headache. There are numerous factors that contribute to the development of the disease, and the causes differ for every type of anemia. Read on to know the different types of anemia. 1. Iron deficiency anemia This is the most common type of anemia caused due to lack of iron. Inadequate amounts of iron can significantly reduce the production of hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to various parts of the body. When organs don’t receive adequate oxygen, they cannot work efficiently. This condition may occur under two circumstances; lack of iron in the diet or the inability to absorb iron from food. Additionally, women are more prone to developing this type of anemia as they may lose excess blood during periods or pregnancy. 2. Aplastic anemia This type of anemia is associated with a lack of both white and red blood cells as well as platelets. The rare condition can occur when the stem cells in the bone marrow are damaged as the immune system may attack the stem cells.
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Early Signs and Symptoms of MS

Early Signs and Symptoms of MS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a long-lasting, progressive disease of the central nervous system. Signs and symptoms of the disease tend to vary greatly among individuals, depending on the location and the extent of nerve damage. Although MS manifests differently in different people, there are some common early signs that one must be aware of. Getting treatment at an early stage can help individuals manage the symptoms better and may even delay the progression of MS. 1. Fatigue and weakness Over 80% of people with MS experience fatigue and weakness in the early stages. Fatigue often comes on suddenly and can last for several weeks. It occurs when nerves in the spinal column deteriorate. Weakness usually first affects the legs before spreading to other areas of the body. Like fatigue, it can also last for several weeks before it begins to subside. 2. Vision problems Problems with vision are also among the most common early signs of MS. It occurs when inflammation damages the optic nerve that connects the eye to the brain. This can lead to blurred vision, double vision, and vision loss. These symptoms may also be accompanied by severe eye pain when looking up or to the sides.
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5 Common Types of Cancer

5 Common Types of Cancer

Cancer refers to a group of diseases involving the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in the body. It is one of the deadliest diseases. Although there are over a hundred types of cancer, some are more common than others. Symptoms primarily depend on the form of cancer an individual has developed. If detected in the early stages, certain cancers may be curable. Keep reading to learn about the most common types of cancer. 1. Skin cancer This is the most common type of cancer. Skin cancer is mainly divided into two categories: non-melanoma and melanoma. Affecting millions of people in the country each year, non-melanoma skin cancer is more common. It mainly includes basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer. The majority of non-melanoma cancers are curable. Melanoma, on the other hand, is the leading cause of cancer deaths. Though it accounts for a very small percentage of people with skin cancer, it is responsible for more than 75% of all skin cancer deaths. 2. Lung cancer Lung cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer. Smoking cigarettes is the biggest risk factor for this condition. However, exposure to secondhand smoke, certain chemicals, and other factors can also contribute to lung cancer.
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Medical Conditions That Cause Hyperhidrosis

Medical Conditions That Cause Hyperhidrosis

When one experiences excessive sweating with no underlying medical cause, it is a case of primary hyperhidrosis and is possibly due to genetics. But in some cases, excessive sweating is the result of an underlying health condition, and this is known as secondary hyperhidrosis. Some common reasons for secondary hyperhidrosis include nerve damage, excess fluid build-up, and irregular body temperature and metabolism. So, let’s look at some common medical causes of excessive sweating. 1. Thyroid problems The thyroid gland’s primary function is to produce a hormone thyroxine that regulate metabolism, breathing, heart rate, weight, and body temperature. When this gland produces excess thyroxine, the condition is called hypothyroidism. Higher levels of these hormones can increase heart rate and metabolism, which often leads to excessive sweating and many other problems. 2. Diabetes Excessive sweating is a common symptom of diabetes. In fact, it’s often a sign of poorly managed diabetes. Although hyperglycemia or high blood sugar levels is very common in diabetes, some people also experience hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels. And the hallmark symptom of low blood sugar is excessive sweating, especially at night. Also, diabetes can cause nerve damage over time, which can, in turn, damage sweat glands and result in hyperhidrosis.
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7 Common Signs of Colon Cancer

7 Common Signs of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is the third most common cancer among both men and women. It begins in the large intestine and, if left untreated, can spread to other body parts as well. Unfortunately, several colon cancer symptoms are similar to those of other disorders, making it difficult for doctors to diagnose the problem. However, when detected early, this cancer is highly treatable. Here, we will discuss some of the common early symptoms of colon cancer. 1. Blood in the stool One of the most common and noticeable early symptoms of colon cancer is blood in or on the stool. This symptom is also caused by several other conditions such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, all of which are pretty serious. Hence, if one notices this sign, they must visit a doctor to get treated immediately to determine the cause. 2. Unexplainable weight loss If one notices a drop in their weight without an attempt to lose it, it might be a matter of concern and should be checked immediately by a doctor. This is because unexplainable weight loss usually occurs when a person is suffering from a severe condition – in this case, colon cancer. 3. Anemia If a tumor bleeds internally, a person with colon cancer may experience anemia – a condition in which the red blood cells in the body are limited.
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7 Natural Remedies for Nasal Polyps

7 Natural Remedies for Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are non-cancerous growths that occur in the sinuses or nasal passages. The common symptoms are a runny nose, headaches, and sneezing. Treatments like medication and nasal sprays can effectively cure the condition. However, several simple home remedies can help relieve the symptoms too. In this article, we will focus on seven home treatments that can help alleviate nasal polyps. 1. Steam inhalation This is one of the most effective home remedies for nasal polyps. One can do steam inhalation using several methods, including humidifiers, steam rooms, and showers. Using a pot filled with water on medium heat can also be used; however, this method can be risky. Experts suggest that using essential oils during steaming can be more effective at easing nasal polyps symptoms. 2. Chamomile This is a kind of tea flower containing anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe nasal polyps. One can use it to make hot tea. Alternatively, patients can also put a few drops into an inhaler or simply dilute it and apply it directly to the nasal passages. Chamomile helps reduce symptoms like irritation and itching. One must carry out steam or drink a few cups of chamomile tea a day for best results.
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4 Signs That Indicate Acid Reflux

4 Signs That Indicate Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a common discomfort that adults experience, sometimes almost immediately after a heavy meal. Commonly referred to as heartburn by medical professionals, reflux is nothing more than digestive fluids flowing backward into the food pipe. A regurgitative response of the stomach involuntarily triggers this action. Here are a few symptoms of acid reflux to watch out for: 1. Excess saliva There are a number of reasons for hypersalivation, as several known diseases, disorders, and health complications contribute to the symptom. That said, excess salivation can be an indication of a developing acid reflux issue. Normally, the saliva helps counter any irritations in the esophageal tube that are triggered by regurgitation of the stomach contents. It is the body’s way of preparing a natural coolant in an effort to contain the harmful effects of reflux. 2. Problems in the throat Acid reflux can trigger a sore throat and result in symptoms like painful coughing and hoarseness. Prolonged damage and scarring in the throat can also force the esophageal walls to narrow. One might experience trouble swallowing, and this is a clear indicator that reflux is worsening. Additionally, some people complain about a persistent feeling of a lump in the throat.
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4 Types of Popular Birth Control Methods

4 Types of Popular Birth Control Methods

Birth control is an essential aspect of pregnancy planning. While the numerous alternatives available in the market make it challenging to choose one, you must understand that the type of birth control will also determine how effective contraception is and for how long. There are several oral contraceptives, implants, hormone patches, internal devices, condoms, and surgical procedures. Here are the four most popular methods to prevent pregnancy. 1. Birth control pills Birth control pills are the most popular form of contraception for daily use. The pills contain low doses of hormones that stop the process of ovulation (where the sperm meets an egg to fertilize). The hormones also thicken the mucus lining on the cervix as an additional layer of protection to prevent sperms from meeting the eggs. That said, pills have to be taken regularly, and missing even a single dose can increase the chances of pregnancy. One of the effective alternatives is a birth control patch, which is designed to release hormones into the system at regular intervals to prevent conception. The patch has to be changed every week. 2. Condoms, diaphragms , and cervical cups Male condoms are the cheapest available form of birth control, but they are only 85% effective and are single-use products.
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8 Eating Tips With Breathing Issues

8 Eating Tips With Breathing Issues

Not many know that oxygen is vital for the processes of chewing and digesting. That means, if there is any problem with one’s ability to breathe, it affects the body’s ability to carry out even the most basic functions. Breathing issues, such as chronic asthma, allergies, and COPD can be treated with medications like Flonase, Nucala, Dupixent, Fasenra, Stiolto, and Spiriva. However, an improper diet and eating habits, can exacerbate breathing issues further. To avoid this, here are 8 eating tips to follow for when you have breathing issues: 1. Indulge in small meals Big meals require one to sit on the dinner table for a longer time, which means the body works harder to produce oxygen for a longer period of time. Additionally, a full meal could put pressure on the lungs and diaphragm, which, in turn, makes it difficult for one to breathe. 2. Clear the lungs before eating There are many ways to clear the lungs of mucus before eating. One may try lying down, indulge in deep controlled coughs, or tap on the chest or neck. Individuals must perform these depending on one’s breathing issues and what best suits them. This should be a routine exercise to clear airways that one must follow to be able to eat at peace.
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7 Reasons to Use Natural Soaps for Sensitive Skin

7 Reasons to Use Natural Soaps for Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin needs utmost care, so you must pay attention to your skincare routine and the products you use. Be it facials, face masks, moisturizers, SPF sunscreen lotions, or soaps, you need to pick carefully. One of the primary factors to consider is that the products should be free of irritants that can trigger dry skin or itchiness. On that note, here’s why you should switch to natural soaps if you have sensitive skin. 1. No harmful ingredients Natural soaps are made with organic ingredients and steer clear of harmful chemicals that can trigger skin health issues. Most regular soaps are made of synthetic ingredients that can be harsh on the skin. The most common ingredient in commercial soaps is sulfate, which helps the product lather up. On the other hand, natural soaps are made with ingredients that don’t lather as much but are suitable for all skin types. 2. Naturally moisturizing Natural soaps are ideal for people with sensitive skin as they are made with beeswax or essential oils, which are more nourishing and retain the natural moisture in the skin. The most common oils used for making these soaps include olive, jojoba, and coconut oils. Plus, these soaps may contain generous amounts of natural glycerin, which moisturizes the skin.
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